You’ve got to understand that when 6 year old who shaves asked me to go shopping for a diamond wedding set 5 years ago, he actually NEVER proposed…therefore I never said yes other that in tears I did go with him to see Kay’s friend. I tell Dufus we are not actually married however here I am in “our house” and have laid claim to the other side of the garage where I have all the JUNK…those precious treasures that I resell, repaint and restore not to mention repurpose. Very neatly, as I am very detailed..not quite enough room so I took over the basement where I house my eBay warehouse of gently used STUFF.
I finally relented to his pitiful complaints of not being able to park his truck in that garage, that one day I got out the wide blue painters tape and measured out a small area where he could back in his utv…for which he has to pay rent to me. As some of you know,,,,you saw that tape and he will tell you the same story. Unfortunately in the spring I am forced not only to take away his tape…but now I have to take his truck from him too because now all the yard sales start up and the best of the best…City Wide Sales are full bore and #1 and 2 too and I who must be obeyed go out of state on buying frenzy’s that last as long as neither of us girls gets mad…. Then it gets ugly because we don’t want to speak….
Well now almost 5 years of asking me to go shopping have gone by and Dufus on occasion will ask to tag along. We did break him of going with us on our City Wide’s….that’s another story and he tells it real ugly…(I’ll tell it another time when I pick myself up off the floor laughing). But on occasion he will go with me to local garage sales to which I go EVERY week from April through November when the weather is no longer permitting. Over time he has learned to offer a lower price, even bickered some back and forth and has hauled home amazing STUFF. A couple of years ago he couldn’t reach me on my cell as I was garage saling so he went by himself! He ended up with 10 black metal chairs we were needing and 2 of the world’s tallest wide commercial metal shelves for his barn. Came home and got his 16ft trailer and off he went.
Recently he bought an old wood burning stove for my bday present and completely redid it. 100’s of hours of labor. Then he redid a Hoosier cabinet to match…..I never suspicioned where this was heading….but I got troubles now. While helping me take some repurposed tables to my booth at Jesse James Antique Mall, while I was busy moving a few treasures around, he snuck around the corner and worked a deal with another dealer and bought this ice cream table and 2 chairs. I would be more accurate to say 3 pieces of rust. He worked on them and worked on them, then he reupholstered them…bought 200 cans of spray paint and I will have to say it is a stunning set. However he notified me last week that I who must be obeyed must clean out a large space for him because he is selling this in MY booth. Hmmmmm. It gave him something to do since he retarded from work. Maybe I need to cut Dufus a little slack with the garage. Can’t do it! Spring is coming ! ! !

6 Year old who shaves redo