It can’t be fun waiting to see my new blog page that I’m struggling with. Most certainly not fun for 6 year old who shaves. He’s hoping for supper tonight and it’s good that he is soooo flexible because I might be outside later (only -3 right now) burning the laptop in the fire. I have to wait for WordPress to contact me because I so messed up all my passwords and logins. OMG! ! ! Just got a reply from JetPack, They have my email and will be contacting me. There is hope on the horizon. I have to explain to them so they understand that when a person ages they have to pee a lot and they forget ALL their passwords….even though they are written down. Surely I am not the only person with this problem.
I have so many ideas, I can’t hardly sleep. Have been spending time searching the web for all kinds of blog info…how to’s….always been a believer in constant reading and learning to keep up with the times. We must keep re-inventing ourselves as things change so we are not left behind. Have honed in on my passions, the giftings that are uniquely mine, fun things to share, to explore, to open up new windows of opportunities. There is no end to them,
So please again bear with me. This disaster too will pass and I will be rabbit trailing another direction. It will be 24-48 hrs. before I get my call. That’s OK. In the meantime have to snap some pics and let the stories roll ! !
Happy Birthday Eric Munholland. God bless you good!
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