So many unusual fun things to be found at garage sales and antique malls. The handmade horse was 100 years old…the surfboards all handpainted by a crafty lady….The things in the wood box did not trip my trigger, but the idea did of putting my own collectibles in a box of my own which I have MANY of ……IDEAS ARE GOOD! The blue seat was cutesie but I’m thinking on an adult size scale with taller legs…would look good in a garden landscape setting where the weather could beat it up and look rustic. Even that color would be neat…..

More 1930’s Chalkware
I am smitten by these #trending #metalflowers. Normally when these are found at an antique mall they are just as high as at the #mesamarket. That set there was $45 and the dealer agreed to $35 when I insisted on $30…would not budge. Then Russ stepped up to me and said out loud that there were several other booths that had flowers… we would find something elsewhere, so we walked away….The man ran after us saying “Ok $30 cash!” Twas a good deal. Twas bad for me cuz Russ insisted on carrying it and it twas heavy. His smile came back when he found a leather wallet he wanted to buy and I carried the “bargain”.
Ah, and the #cheesebox! This is the largest ever to add to my collection. Cloth lined at that! $15. A real steal for an eclectic crazy like me!
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