#31…All of MY Favorite Favorites! ! !

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My Smokers….His breed won Westminster Dog Show 2016. Russ knows he is second beloved AFTER the German Shorthair Pointer! What can I say?

Image may contain: people sitting, living room and indoor

Hey, born and raised Cleveland Ohio. What to you expect? Gets a little tense when Kansas City Royals play Cleveland Indians…..just sayin……and he has to watch………

Image may contain: car, grass, outdoor and natureImage may contain: car, tree, sky and outdoorThis is exactly like my 56 Oldsmobile. I bought and paid for it MYSELF, my senior year in high school DHS, Duarte Calif. Worked at Robert Hall’s after classes….. bought my gas…….new set of tires, all my clothes AND paid for my insurance! This was taken at the Czech Fest parade, Wilber Nebraska Aug 2017.

My father taught 15 year old me to drive a 3 on the column shift in a green 1950 Henry J , Lakewood Ohio. Picture taken in Branson MO part of a restaurant decor. 2017.

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A new day. Thank you Jesus!

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