There was a time in the early 70’s that our English language got pregnant and Webster’s Dictionary started bulging, methinks with quadruplets, as new words and definitions came alive, new sayings abounded and everything changed. What used to mean one thing now meant something else. Now I became ok and you were ok…..as we all hummed a song, “Be Happy”. Warm fuzzies became a comfort zone and cold pricklies was not a happy place.
Summer to me is a cold prickly. Unbearable heat and humidity make me sweat and I can get mean. The hair is never right, the lightweight clothes…sleeveless… show arms that have aged…I am a miserable hot person. You might call me wilted lettuce! And if I mange to stay cool, the body no longer looks hots like I once remember!
Labor Day is my Happy New Year! I looooooooooooooove the 1st of Sept! When you have 4 children and on the 1st day of school you take your baby to kindergarten, drop off 2 others to grade school and your oldest to senior year in high school…..you LOVE Sept ! ! ! It is now a New Year. Pack away the summer clothes and hang up the lovely fall and winter clothing that cover the imperfections of an aging body.
Today my grandchildren are dropping off their children at school, yet I have never gotten over the exhilaration I feel about Sept. 1! It is a time of new beginnings. This is MY time for warm fuzzies! As temps drop, I feel energized, I get more work done….and oh the projects. It is time to prepare everything outside for the ravages of winter. Put the patio furniture away, the concrete statuaries, the pots, composting the flower plots, leaving everything cleaned up. It’s time to clean out the garage, the barn,…..getting the dog’s space winterized, putting the RV away, emptied and mouse traps out. So much to do!
Then there’s my fall cleaning, washing windows, putting out the pumpkins, some mums…getting ready for Christmas……baking cookie’s for daughter #1, Connie’s annual cookie exchange brunch….and on and on. It’s that wonderful time of being creative and painting whimsical colors on furniture and selling those pieces, it’s a time to simmer the chili pot as the snow flies and NFL football is on…and of course college football….I love these 6 months the best of the whole year!
And yes, I have all my resolutions…..eating better, reading more books and getting totally organized……..It’s almost New Year’s, it’s almost Sept 1! I’ll blast up the Sirius music, light the butter rum candle, pour the ice tea…….and I am in MY HAPPY PLACE!
So, I put a Christmas tree in the bathroom…………………………
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