Definitely a new dimension….at a loss of words….at an AT HOME store. We walk in the door and ZAP! Right there is this! ! ! ! Now I know some people have professed that God is a woman, and I believe if they seek for answers, they will find the truth for themselves, but to see a Christmas tree as a woman…..don’t know quite what to do with this. They should install a camera and take people’s expressions at first glance! I had the open mouth syndrome and couldn’t gather my thoughts. Wow…..I am ALWAYS surprised by what people can say or do…it’s like the older I get, the more naïve I become. WHAT NEXT? ? ? ?
OK, so I have had a pink foil tree once…..when I was single, and in the last few years I have gone on a tangent of having some semblance of a tree in each room, albeit small table trees in bedrooms, etc. and then we had a grouping of 3 trees until I ran out of storage…..BUT…….a gown tree? What is coming in the future……….I cannot even allow what I’m thinking to be put on paper….
But you know as I get over this initial shock and think about it, I am an eclectic person who likes straight lines…… #1 daughter Connie and 2 Too Billie call me anal, so I too like different styles of things that maybe more traditional people have no understanding of. Like one year when I took painted gold T-posts and stood them up in a bucket wig-wam style and wrapped a stretched out wire wreath around them and then wrapped clear lights up and down this “tree”. I had just gone through a devastating divorce and $$ was at a premium which I didn’t have, but these raw material I did… Then what few gifts I could afford, I wrapped with newspapers for a consistent color coded look and wrapped with one color of ribbon. My tree was stunning! I do have a picture in a box and maybe someday I will find it and add it in to this blog.
So after much consideration, after chewing the fat back and forth, though it not be my choice, I think these “trees”are awesome and am always newly amazed by what a mind can create! And now again I will be decorating with my old fashioned Christmas trees….I yam who I yam…….who said that? I know, do you?

Real skinny bathroom tree!
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