Papaw and Billie Girl……
I wear myself out!
The new year has started, school is back in session, Christmas is bought and wrapped, chili makin’s are in the pantry waiting…….and now I’m in trouble. The worst thing for me is time on my hands! A time to think, a time to dream……. and plan.
YESTERDAY, I was an election judge for 13 hours on a run off tied race. Everyone knew numbers would be down and it would be a looooooooooooooong day. So of course I must occupy my time…..newspaper, book, peanut butter crackers, 15 decorating magazines AND my zip pouch with scissors, liquid paper, pens and paper…….U-Tube of course available on my cell….
Now I’m in such trouble! Having been on such a year long agenda of pushing through all my projects, I had arrived at a point where I could sit down and read a book and watch the leaves fall off the trees. Wrong! One day later…..what a difference a day makes…I have new projects up the yang yang! My daughter 2 Too, Billie, had sent me a text on wall imprinting which now I had time to pull up on U-Tube…….make a note, pick out color combinations and technique…..I have this huge dining room wall….Well then Martha Stewart had these beautiful fall flower arrangements that would work in each room of my house…..
So Russ agreed it would be nice if I change out the kitchen chairs for some of the dining room chairs and would he mind re-upholstering the kitchen chairs a different material so they can match another table in another room? He did recover from his choking spell shortly.
My mind ran amuck. Oh if I do this, then I need to rearrange that….it is time to think about where the Christmas treeS will go this year, AND the GRANDADDY of them all, can I get the basement fully painted before 2 Too and the Fisherman arrive for the holidays? OK so I need to buy a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and mix the 3 gallons of white paint I bought last year with another gallon of color because methinks another shade would be better. OMG! These projects are cascading…..
Billie Girl, I was minding my own business when you send me that text…..just sayin’, when you come home for the holidays, bring your work clothes…………
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