Those who know me, know I am an EARLY morning person. Have been like that since giving birth to 5 children. The ONLY time of day when no one asked anything of me! MY TIME ! ! ! So this 4 AM habit has been with me all my life. I especially love it now. Even when I go to bed at night my mind is racing and hoping I get up early and really not happy if for some strange reason it is already after 5…..Often time, by the time Russ rises, I’ve done a half day’s work.
And the New Year for me started 1 September and I am off and running, brimming over with new ideas, new list of projects. Cell cameras were invented just for me. By the time a year has gone by, there might be 2000 pics on it. Everywhere we go….everywhere, I take pictures for ideas, for #stefmooneyblogs, even for shopping at Walgreen’s 1st Tuesdays Senior 20% Discount by lining up my needed products on the kitchen counter and snapping that pic.
Sometimes I get ALMOST in trouble like, when I made 2 Too (Billie Girl) stop before the entrance to the Pensacola Naval Base to take pictures in the car and the guards were ready with their guns when we approached, seized my camera and told me to delete those pictures…..sometimes home owners come at me when I’m stopped and taking a pic of their garage doors or landscaping ideas….I am getting better at sometimes asking if I may take…..so my life gets full of ideas daily, and so not to forget, there are all my pics.
It’s morning again and I’m thinking, always thinking….I’m going to paint our tan garage doors a brick redwood color…will go well with the roof and the patio. Fall is here, the last hummingbird wished us adieu Saturday and the hay field got put up. Fixed some plant arrangements right off the trees and now, getting ready to spread compost in my flower plots…So much to do, I love it!
Ah, today we’re going out for lunch….and to Warm Springs Ranch to see the Budweiser Clydesdale Breeding Farm. God has blessed us indeed. And you know my next blog will be about those fur babies with BIG feet!
Oh the early morning, how I love it! If you enjoyed my post, please “like” it and “share” on Facebook. Right now I’m going to find #billpevlorphotography at PopsDigital.Com on my timeline and share the beautiful photos he posts early in the morning! I’m not the only nut out there. Sorry, Bill!