The beauty of a marriage later in life is that you know what you DON’T WANT! So one day Russ shows me a sale ad about wedding rings and asks me if I want to go shopping with him. He swears that this was his marriage proposal and I KNOW he never asked me to marry him, though I do remember there was this nice party we had…..Now being of age and more age and aging….we had to negotiate. He did not want me to work, that was good….ok….I was not going to live a new life of cooking 3 meals and washing dishes all day. After all I had been single for most of 16 years and definitely had backed off cooking, but if we could wing it on our own for breakfast and lunch, I would cook our suppers…..that was good with him. Then the big one! He would fence in the yard to accommodate my 2 dogs but when they passed, that was it ! NO MORE DOGS. It helps that I love him.
One is gone now and the other very aging. I love throwing the toys for him everyday and my heart is crushed at the thought of not getting another dog, but then, ok, my plate won’t be so full. HOWEVER I have found a way to have dogs in my home that are easy keepers. I just bought that beautiful Christmas picture painted on the bottom of a lazy susan from my friend Debbie Lyle-Schwenn who also painted the black lab from a photo, for a friend. You can reach her at dlschwenn@hotmail.com if you would like a painting of your precious fur baby.
The stuffed animal on the bed actually is a Bengal tiger. He is so good about not getting muddy paw prints on the white bedspread. The antique chalk dog gives me challenges as he bites the wooden dog in the living room (did not include his picture) so I have to put him in his lampshade frame kennel. I cannot be denied dogs. I love them, I love them. If I must, then these have to be my dogs.
And there’s my friend, Pamela Tyron-Amberson who paints dogs, cats and children. The white and black dogs are her work. She tells on Facebook she can get 2 more worked up before Christmas so hurry to call her if you’d like to have your pets on canvas. 816 699-7267 or private message her as she has posted.
Now you know why I am always loving on your dogs, why I get excited at a most beloved find at an antique mall…. and praying that someday Russ decides we need a dog. It helps that I love him!