Four things I know for certain, in concrete….We have to pay taxes, and then we die, mail is delivered come rain or shine………… AND pigs don’t fly!
The foundation of my beliefs has crumbled, pigs DO fly, so out comes the Dyson Pet Vacuum (Beds, Bath, & Beyond ON SALE of course, AND THEN applied a 20% EXPIRED coupon ! ! ) and I have to follow the trail of crumbs which always leads to the man…Russ has struck again!
The problem began with the extreme winter weather icing and snowing over Duncan Golf Course in Savannah. What to do with himself? So he has been helping me with my innumerable projects, spray painting bird houses, digging post holes to hang these lovelies, cleaned his shop, rewired wiring………helped clean out the garage…..and for the 1st time since we got married almost 6 years ago, the garage is organized, things have been hauled to the ditch, 2 truckloads of furniture and “stuff” have been taken to Goodwill, new storage cabinets have been bought and that garage is empty! Yes, I’ve shut down my booth at Jesse James, yes I’ve almost got rid of all those things at The Spotted Dog, and NO, I haven’t noticed HIS shop emptying out of my TREASURES as I have been methodically disbursing all these things. I did smell wood burning, but did not realize his mind was running because we have not been able to locate that mind in all the clutter.
All these years he has been learning all about décor…….color combinations, balance, design, making the space your own…….and because he has had all this time off from his own preoccupations due to the incredible weather…..HE HAS BEEN THINKING ! ! ! ! My décor and his décor conflict!
The lovely golf mat in the living room did it. Why did I fold it and lay it over the recliner? “Well to vacuum of course…….” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He’s moving his framed pictures, his artifacts, his décor to his shop. He told me I am to sell off certain items of his and a huge glass storefront display case ($50 to the first person that comes with their pickup truck) and he’s setting up a “man cave” and “decoring” it himself…and he will take his golf mat, thank you very much!
Where have I blundered? Did I work him too hard? Is he bitter about the full size bicycle on the dining room wall? Is he smarter then I give him credit for? Did he finally find his long lost brains? Do I need to buy yet another color of lipstick….glow in the dark, so he’ll notice me? Are my evenings going to be filled with just watching our yard pets, the Bald Eagles?
This I know, the garage is empty…….and spring garage sales are around the corner……….. I must count my blessings!