This is a difficult, overwhelming road to travel, putting together facts PROVING who my family is/was to qualify to become a Daughter of the American Revolution. Already we have found 5 Patriots in our family and it is so exciting to realize how many women that I am mother and grandmother to, ok, great-grandmother also, and they will ALL be able to be DARS also…..My guys can become SARS…..Sons of the American Revolution.
My mother became a Polish war bride during WW2. My father’s mother hated her, consequently I never knew her. Father and mother were divorced when I was 2 and I saw him maybe 8 times in my life. Funny I took after him….dancing was his life, my passion also and, like him, I love to glow in the dark, if you know what I mean! Can you tell by his jacket? And I did inherit his personality with his laughing, clowning and just always having a good time!
It was difficult being my mother’s daughter. I was unwanted, un-liked, as she saw him when she saw me. I never EVER got her approval. And my father never wanted any children. Yet I loved them both fiercely. In my heart I had to be the best daughter I could be because that’s all I had control of. Tears sustained me, by the Grace of God all my adult life until both passed. I am sorry for them as they missed out on me, and my family. I miss my mother’s other daughter, Antoinette, sadly estranged from me. But God is good and life goes on…..
So I never had a father, brother, uncle, grandfather, cousin…..other then cousins in Poland which I’ve only been around a couple of times. Now I have to compile all birth certificates, marriage licenses, death certificates, grave yards, stones, military records and ALL of THIS from my father’s mother’s side of whom I have never known these people! ! ! ! ! I have an unbelievable joy in that I found my 1st MALE relative, a 3rd cousin, 25 miles from me in Platte City, Rick and Beth whom I worked for, for 16 years! And after being retired for several years, we’ve always stayed close not realizing we were drawn together by blood. I must count my blessings!
The search continues with new discoveries. Another male cousin in New York…….. stories on Ancestry.com that family members have entered, PICTURES of my great grandparents! I just know they would have loved me had they known me. Did I get my characteristics or looks from this one or that one?
What lies ahead?
Snow lies here….DEEPLY and more on the way! ! !