#157…The Irishman Does the River Dance

I had JUST mixed up the pink paint for the basement bath cabinet to apply tomorrow morning. Supper was baking in the oven. Jimmy Hatley told us we could walk on our new polymer floor after 4 today. We did at 5 in our bare feet. Oh how beautiful.

At 6 o’clock it was almost time for the oven buzzer to go off when I heard the yell that could be heard around the world. Who else was in the house? Did hub side kick blast the tv? Russ is soft spoken…..The 2nd yell had me scrambling…Water was everywhere in the master bath…on the ceiling, down the walls…SLOSHING…1/4th of the bedroom carpet under water. How long had this  disaster been going on?

The basement was flooded.

The ceiling tiles destroyed.

The insulation hanging and water pouring out…….

It was a $4 water supply line alongside the toilet that blew when the plastic coupler disintegrated.

Out came the wet vac….we used 4 basketfuls of towels and rags…dried a load and used more. We step dried the carpet after he vacuumed for the longest time. We slept amongst the roaring fans. I cried and he comforted me, laughing……”We are blessed….at least we didn’t have the furniture back into the basement.” You know, that is what marriage is all about. I rip when he walks in the house after mowing for hours, leaving a trail of mud and grass behind, leaving trails of popcorn strewn about when company’s comin’, when not putting his clean folded clothes away, but when the chips are down…in our case water, we bounce off each other, lifting the other to see the brighter side. That’s what it’s about….working together and praying for God’s grace to get us through the next challenge.

And Jimmy Hatley, you are right, the floor is indestructible. And Rodeana Garon from NE Wichita ServPro, we didn’t need you this time, but you are all in our hearts and memories still…..and my son, Ken and wife #3daughterinlawlessness is coming to help move the furniture back in. All will be well again!


#156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO