My kitchen looks ridiculous. So 3 weeks have gone by as I work on cleaning out every cabinet and purging and then purging some more. I have 45 cabinet doors, a short attention span and struggle with rabbit trailing. Did I mention I am ? citcelsyD. So again I have to trick my mind. Yes, I have good intentions, but after this drawer, maybe I need to pull a few weeds, ok some laundry going, oh, bird feed in the driveway and the hummingbirds need fresh libation. Now back to those cabinets.
The yellow sticky notes indicate DONE! Half empty, period! The kitchen dishes and salad bowls are only the pieces we use. The saucers are out the door. Haven’t ever used them, why keep them? Amazingly half of everything in the drawers is gone. The goal after the kids left home and I could start affording it, was to have a well equipped kitchen. Much of that “stuff” I either haven’t used or it’s been forever since. Thirty years ago, I bought a bundt pan for a recipe. NEVER used it since! ! ! Easy decision, NEVER make that kind of cake again. Out the door. My top shelves are mostly empty. Makes sense. I’m a short person. My bottom shelves, very bottom…completely empty. Makes sense. My back hurts. But the notes have to stay because I must get done! Besides that, I have to keep rechecking the cabinets to see if I did them…burns time. There are only 10 cabinets left, the easy ones done…
So maybe I can get done soon simply out of embarrassment of having those yellow tabs everywhere. Hub sidekick is silent, methinks he considers his dining pleasure very important and he has had spaghetti 2 nights in a row…
I don’t know why you made me like this, God, but I know you had a purpose for me, that you created me so peculiar. Must be so I can relate to all those other nuts out there. I love you Lord. Thank you for my family and all my friends. Reveal yourself to those I pray for. Love them hard!
I was going to do some more cabinets today, but there’s work outside…5 days of rain ahead…