It now takes him longer to get dressed then me. He has his higher-then-knee, stockings. Of course the dark orange garters…The white nightshirt to his knees…all of which has to be tucked into his britches. You think I’m pulling your leg. Then a very tight vest buttoned to the top…Oh, 1st, a cowled black neck piece over the nightshirt collar…The red and navy blue wool coat. Top it off with knee high black leather boots and a black triangular felt hat that has to be steamed over a boiling kettle of water to be shaped up properly.
“Are you wearing your cross body purse tonight?” ” NO! I told you only when I carry the musket loader, so to keep my black powder in it, but I don’t have any of the right powder and don’t wear it when I do the Color Guard….”
I stand corrected.
He has re-invented himself. His family is military. We have found a patriot from the Revolutionary War, we have found 3 more and submitted for supplementals, working on 3 more besides……he’s now in the Color Guard…and learning the rules for the Honor Guard. Already done a cemetery dedication of his chapter patriot, making arrangements for a parade and George Washington’s birthday!
He is amazing! ! ! Thank you Jesus for this gift from you.