#62…There’s NO Place Like Home……in the Morning!

  Those who know me, know I am an EARLY morning person. Have been like that since giving birth to 5 children. The ONLY time of day when no one asked anything of me! MY TIME ! ! ! So this 4 AM habit has been with me all my life. I especially love it Read more about #62…There’s NO Place Like Home……in the Morning![…]

#59…Every Dog Has it’s Day

    After the 10th anniversary of my 29th birthday a revelation came to me that I was no longer bullet proof. I was going to die someday…me. It seemed everything always happened to everyone else and I was untouched. One day my son died, another day there was a most terrible divorce and then my Read more about #59…Every Dog Has it’s Day[…]

#58…Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies…….

    There was a time in the early 70’s that our English language got pregnant and Webster’s Dictionary started bulging, methinks with quadruplets, as new words and definitions came alive, new sayings abounded and everything changed. What used to mean one thing now meant something else. Now I became ok and you were ok…..as we Read more about #58…Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies…….[…]

#07…The struggle continues

Working diligently…holding back the tears….the frustration of learning a new computer language. I know what to do now on the Blue Host control panel…it just won’t pull up for me…not giving up! It worked! Not quite the way I wanted it…but I have hope! Yeh! If you have enjoyed this blog, please hit “Like” and Read more about #07…The struggle continues[…]

#06…Oh Woe is me…Password Problems…I WILL get through this!

It can’t be fun waiting to see my new blog page that I’m struggling with. Most certainly not fun for 6 year old who shaves. He’s hoping for supper tonight and it’s good that he is soooo flexible because I might be outside later (only -3 right now) burning the laptop in the fire. I Read more about #06…Oh Woe is me…Password Problems…I WILL get through this![…]

#04…Just sayin……

I did LAUNCH yesterday the 13th…..THIRTEENTH…….BECAUSE I have 4 children born on the 13th and I do everything major in my life on the 13th! A perfect calendar start…..just sayin’……..something you all needed to know…or was it just because I needed to say it.  I’m sure Russ would say “she who must be obeyed”  just Read more about #04…Just sayin……[…]

#03…Day 2 Meltdown…..not lookin’ good

It seems like I’m reading a foreign language with all these computer words. To tell you the truth, I don’t know what I’m doing as to setting up this blog but I know someone who does and hopefully I’ll get all pertied up here before long……I’ll be telling you of our wild escapades around the Read more about #03…Day 2 Meltdown…..not lookin’ good[…]