Melt down in my tracks! I love wood things. It seems that these beautiful boxes run thru the #eclectic’sheart as they can be found rather cheaply at garage sales and from $8 to $15 at antique malls. They do take up some room but I have them stacked in most unusual places, Some are beautifully painted with scenes, flowers and sayings. As I change out my colors #décor in the rooms I have to #colorcoordinate the boxes so not to conflict. Hey this is serious stuff. Even 6 year old who shaves knows there’s trouble if we are not color coordinated…..ducks in a row….make that a STRAIGHT row and there is peace in the house and yes, I will cook a meal….

Yard sale $3 I painted blue…6 year old who shaves attached big rollers
Top folds back and this is my candle box. Very heavy, so the rollers. My life is full of these boxes. My favorites being the huge artillery and ammo boxes that are lovely for storing Christmas gifts by “family”. Yes, my adult children say I’m anal because I’m so highly organized. But I can relax by September because all gifts are bought AND WRAPPED. AND during the year, on occasion I will find a most unusual and huge basket or wood crate or shopping bag and that family will keep that also as part of their gifts. The secret is that you must shop these #garagesales consistently.

Ammo Box $1 Concrete Tool 50 cents

Of course….perfect place for my costume bracelets!
As you can see, I truly love wood. It makes for a most unusual box to store silly things in. I had to ask 6 year old who shaves to put the top together…..DANG! That cost me a #cherryrhubarbpie and standby for an ambulance for sugar overload.

My grandog Chewy. Don’t tell her Mama 2 too, but Chewy loves ME best!