#175…Another Flood, Another Fall, Mums the Word!

Came home to a flooded basement AGAIN, 3rd time in a year! It had rained 14 ” overnight! Somewhat easier to get on top of this as we had added metal feet to some cabinets and furniture and painted children’s blocks under the hope chest and other items.  The rugs dried out on the patio. Read more about #175…Another Flood, Another Fall, Mums the Word![…]

#164…A New Dog…ALL Things NEW

My new Granddog coming home to Florida from being rescued in North Carolina. I am already sooo in love with this 20 month old newfie….only because the owner became ill and went for a covid test…only because she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer instead, this puppykins is beginning a new life. Reflecting back to Read more about #164…A New Dog…ALL Things NEW[…]

#163…A Dark Time…2020

Like Russ said yesterday, “we didn’t order up this pandemic. It’s not our fault.” Geez, how life has changed. I actually am at a loss of words. We now have had 3 deaths in our town in one day. For a small town as ours, that is a new thing. We were just talking last Read more about #163…A Dark Time…2020[…]

#162…An Old Gal, OLD GLORY and a New Day!

God has so many surprises for us! Who would have thunk the older I get, the more new roads open up before me and then in the middle of Mom in law going into hospice….Merry Christmas happens! I was born into an unwanting family to two young people who could not work things out. My Read more about #162…An Old Gal, OLD GLORY and a New Day![…]

#161…Gathering Thoughts

Yes, why are these pictures in the same sentence? What sense do they make together? This has become the clutter of my mind. This is 2020. I am fast approaching the 1st year anniversary of my sabbatical, a plot to get my life in order and all loose ends tied. A two year plan designated Read more about #161…Gathering Thoughts[…]

#158…Thank you Lord For My Dog

Smokers was a rescue dog. His owners had a baby girl and at the age of 2 they put her out on the grass to walk. He kept knocking her down because he wanted her to throw his ball. We each drove 60 miles to meet up. The man was in tears having had him Read more about #158…Thank you Lord For My Dog[…]

#157…The Irishman Does the River Dance

I had JUST mixed up the pink paint for the basement bath cabinet to apply tomorrow morning. Supper was baking in the oven. Jimmy Hatley told us we could walk on our new polymer floor after 4 today. We did at 5 in our bare feet. Oh how beautiful. At 6 o’clock it was almost Read more about #157…The Irishman Does the River Dance[…]

#156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO

It’s only been 5 months since the remodel and last week the flood came…and stood for 2 days, 3 inches deep before I went downstairs to get something……I thank God that it was ONLY rain water and not sewage. We were blessed indeed. We live on a hill, but then so do numerous springs around Read more about #156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO[…]

#153…Tomatoes, Flowers and Dealing w/ THE Dining Room

So good to be outside. No choice there as there’s sooooooo much to do. The tomatoes are really coming on but will have to google if I’m watering too much as there appears to be some rot on the bottom. It’s always a learning process I tell you…but I seek answers constantly, making  my mistakes Read more about #153…Tomatoes, Flowers and Dealing w/ THE Dining Room[…]

#149… #2 Too Daughter Upset

Just when I wanted to announce that my sabbatical is on schedule…..that ALL the main floor is completely EVERYTHING IN IT’S PLACE, that the garage is done, even to the mopping of the floor….AND there is not ONE WEED in all my garden plots…2 Too in Pensacola has to tell me my signs are too Read more about #149… #2 Too Daughter Upset[…]