So we made these plans to expand our patio. For seven weeks now I have been moving plants to other flower plots which caused me to revaluate just what was where. OMG! The full sun plants were in the shade and the shade plants were melting down in the full son. After losing some brand new perennials and coping with weeds thriving in the worst drought Missouri has ever known, I decided to move EVERYTHING. Have had to work outside from 6:30 AM till around 8 because of this heat. Putting rocks everywhere and PREEN for weed control. Definitely a work in progress. The plan is to plant soooooooo much that next year when everything is off to a fresh start, it will all grow together, fill in the area and choke out the weeds. THAT is the PLAN. I will let you know next year how this works for me.
I let it slip that Mother told me I was a DAR (Daughter of the Revolution) and a DAR friend jumped all over this tidbit and within 2 hours on the computer, her DAR friend found me related to Patriot John Wells which led #1 daughter Connie to search out the whole family on ancestry.com…….It has been an exhausting 2 months looking for birth certificates, death certificates, marriage records…copying everything in preparation for filling out the application. It is a never ending project.
We drove to Florida to visit daughter 2 too and hubby Bobby. We shopped antique malls like two madwomen while the boys fished and golfed and golfed and fished……We found the huge glass framed wood box and spent hours designing the wedding dress layout.
This summer has been so difficult with the extremely hot weather. We did manage to get all our projects done….including putting together a club booklet…that took a month! I had to make a decision to halt all my furniture projects till all these dangling participles were done and out of my life and have denied myself the things I love doing best. I wonder if the millennials have any idea of what I just said…….
But it is the middle of August and I do have my fall pumpkin décor out, my Christmas presents all wrapped, AND I am anxiously awaiting the first snowfall……
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