Another Bucket List Day! ! ! Only thing could have been better……….. shopping. Fact is fact. God created woman to SHOP and man to buy toys. Lest your heart fail that I didn’t get to shop, rest assured I was able to do some Christmas shopping in the Budweiser Store! ! !
This for me was a breath-taking day. I dreamed of owning a Clydesdale years ago for a companion to the paint that I had. Though I did buy a different breed of horse for Tango, my fascination with these gentle giants has never ceased. Spoiled babies is what they are. And when we pulled into the ranch, I thought we had entered a Budweiser commercial with all white blazed heads turned towards us.
I remember back to 1995 when my baby boy Doug, was 17 and worked mucking stalls at the American Royal in Kansas City, that we got to go into the barns as the draft horse world was preparing for a show. It takes 7 hours to dress one horse to pull a wagon and each team is 8 horses. Little did we realize the numberof people that had been up all night preparing! It was more amazing to learn that each horse carried $7500 worth of harness on them.
Warm Springs Ranch is the breeding home of the Budweiser Clydesdales. So there were no puppykins….The dalmations live at the 3 gelding training centers…..my heart was broken, but I did cheer up when told that the dog can ride in the trucks or the van, where the action is…..anywhere HE wants to…..definitely felt better, even so, when we got to drink their new “PREMIUM” 31 degree Budweiser Beer. Russ had 2 beers. Next week I’m putting him on a bread and water diet, and holding back the bread……you know it’s all about that diabetes…
Isle of Capri Casino was the next stop for a delicious buffet supper. Russ was good, he did not have any dessert. There was no room after he fixed 1 plate of a mountain of salad and 3 plates of ribs, ham and chicken. He’s out of control….lest HE forget, I control the cooking at home….that is why I sit in a director’s chair for my lawn chair.
Koi fish, known as Asian carp surrounded the side front of the casino, a vending machine available for their dining pleasure. The feeding frenzy was delightful. The day had been long and the sun was setting. Time to head home.
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