#65…”hello fall”, this is the Police!

It is such  a mystery to me why God does something so special at a moment when I am least expecting anything….when suddenly something happens and He takes my breathe away!

So we go to supper with Jodene and Ed to the Farmhouse Restaurant in Branson. There is a 15 minute wait so we girls go upstairs to the gift shop. I AM MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS, when suddenly a distraught lady yells out that her purse is missing. As I was paying for my purchases, I yelled loudly across the room “Please Lord, in the Name of Jesus, help her find her purse.” She was so shaken and upset and told me there was a man in the rest room where she had left her purse. And it seemed he was in there quite a while….Ok, I told her I will stand here with you blocking the door and these two men joined us…..The plan seemed great until she knocked on the bathroom door and said “this is the Police!”

Oh my, I figured I better cover HER butt, so I knocked on the door and said to the man inside, “I left MY purse in there”. A voice was heard, very firmly, “there is no purse in here….” At that point I didn’t know what to think about what we were going to do…so I told her, ” we will just stand here together”…and I hugged her. Their whole vacation was going to be ruined if that purse was not recovered. After what seemed forever, a man came up behind us and said, “honey, your sister called and said you forgot your purse..”

No one knows when that man dared show his face knowing there was such an audience out there, but I did knock on the door again and apologize, the purse had been found! The gal in the green sweater hugged me several times and told me “you are my new best friend!”

End of story, nope. It was time to be seated and to the salad bar. The lady in green had left the building but returned to find me and give me this lovely “hello fall” plaque from Kirklands and hugged me soooo hard…and I hugged her hard….  She will never know that for one moment in my life I experienced what it must be like to have a sister and I knew for one moment a love I had not ever been touched with before.

Thank you, Lord, that was such a wonderful gift you gave me when I least deserved it….and I don’t even know her name.


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