All was going well.
I had just spray painted all those metal patio accessories last Monday, when Russ invited the whole Bible Study group to come to our house for a cookout. I don’t think he noticed that everything from the inside of our camper was all over the house waiting to be repacked for winter storage…….that I was in full fall cleaning because daughter 2 Too is coming for a visit from Florida for Thanksgiving so we have to be decorated for Christmas early…….nor did he take into consideration that I was simultaneously cleaning out the garage and had things laying out in piles in the yard. I found that sometimes in the middle of a meltdown it’s even hard to spit, but my love reminded me how efficient I am and he was sure my organized self would get it all done…..in 6 days.
That is true…so I paced myself, LET THE WORK BEGIN!
What fun to put everything together! All the treasures I had collected from garage sales and thrift stores were waiting. That beautiful fancy umbrella was a $20 special from Hillcrest Thrift Store. The chandelier, painted orange, from Rusty Chandelier for $40 with LED candles for safety, stood out with the round rug also from Rusty for $35. Last year I found the rusted spiral staircase at a garage sale for $3 and enjoyed potted flowers on it. This year it’s holding galvanized water pots for a new look. The bird house, a $1 treasure from a garage sale! Oh…and the apple cider press, a verbal fuss in an Amana Colonies garage sale to get the owner to take $60 for it. Russ was NOT HAPPY that it took 4 men to load it into the back end of the car…..MOST UNHAPPY to get it unloaded at home with nephew Mike.
All was well. All left.
It was afterward that I realized that all my treasures would have to be put away due to impending rain clouds. OMG! It was a trial run, this party…too many trinkets sitting around….too little lighting……hadn’t set the buffet table in the right place….we need a trash bin! Back to the drawing board. I have learned many lessons in this decorating business….I don’t always have the full vision…..I don’t always paint the right colors….BUT of one thing I am confident…..LOWE’S has more paint for sale and I have my eye on a garden shed to hold all my treasures! ! !
AND….…..the emptied soda cans are gathering dust for the making of “THE CACTUS”.
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