2 Too & Bobby came to town on Black Friday from Pensacola. What to do but have #1 daughter, Connie and her sidekick, Jeff-in law to join us to celebrate simultaneously Thanksgivingchristmasandbirthdays over some real good food! Such a festive evening. No, I did not forget to put the rice in the green rice casserole this time, thank you very much…..There was a problem, though. Billie Girl unwrapped a big beautiful HUGE box stuffed with a full pillow of stuffing around the stained glass butterfly lamp….I must have gotten distracted because I ended up putting that lovely lamp in a bag……..NOW I REMEMBER…OMG! ! ! “2 Too, I was going to give you that box for you to pack the lamp into your car…… Good intentions I say!
So after ALL the gifts were exchanged, Pop Russ surprised Billie with her silver re-purposed antique butter churn and commercial whip lamp. Since he had built mine, the copper one last year, actually both girls wanted one. Then to much surprise, he pulled out the red one for #1. And so the picture. A man with talent and loves those girls!
Unfortunately, under a blizzard warning, we had to send the Pensacola bunch home Saturday morning. Sixteen hours later they arrived safely and all is well. And here we are, enjoying a wonderful day inside while a blizzard rages outside. We are only half way through it expecting 7 to 10” possible 12+. The winds are at 45 mph and experiencing white outs. The tractor is ready with the blade. We just got done watching Mr. Holland’s Opus and methinks now about reading a book.
OK my friend, Steve, you can be right…on the golf course….and I can have something wrong with me…. INSIDE my warm home in a WONDERFUL blizzard. LOL!
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