Monday……on FaceBook
Alright, alright….trying to get my mind together for the next blog a’comin’….. but let’s face it folks, mixing holidays and family calls for major attitude adjustments! As soon as I get my jaws unlocked, no promises here….I’ll get in my happy place and get glad and download some pics…if I don’t run over the camera with the car first. Methinks holidays should be spent with strangers.
Another holiday. The presents are wrapped, the expectations run high. I should stop expecting anything that is out of my control….. people of my particular blood lines. Well, this one can’t come always, because always, they have to go to the mate’s parent’s home….this family has 4 family meals on that day because they can’t say no..,…they are intimidated by the controlling drama person who won’t take no for an answer and takes it personally if they don’t show. For Pete’s sake it was 18 years into my marriage before I stood up to an in-law and declared it was time we started our own tradition and had our 1st Thanksgiving at home with our 4 children. What a miserable day. Everyone was mad…no one spoke.
Then there’s that one who is chronically one hour late, so after several years, we lied about what time dinner was. The one who was to bring a dish and they arrived late and had to put it together……then……….not to mention the one who always brought Kentucky fried chicken to a homemade traditional holiday meal…..because she was too busy….knowing 6 weeks in advance what her dish was….and the worst…the one who NEVER wrapped her gifts until Xmas Eve when dinner started at 6, but she’d be there by 7 AND not to start without them!
So you wonder why I posted pics of grandparents? Some really bad traits got passed down the lines and I dare not even mention the OTHER side from hell…(did I say that?)..so there are some major problems amongst us (not all of us….)which discombobulate the holidays….yes already. If it were not for our friends and a family member or three, among whom we can be ourselves….it would be a tougher time……my heart, my feelings are tumultuous…explosive, yet Russ and I by the Grace of God will focus on the new year and soon we will be beyond these happy terrible holidays. We have to not worry about what we cannot control and look forward to quiet uneventful days in January….to play cards…..to golf on a nice 40 degree day with no wind……to find a thrift shop and a TREASURE….did I mention the city wide Sabetha garage sales? 2 Too, a good time for you to come join #1 and me, just sayin’.
We are so done with drama!