It’s not fun getting older. I work longer days and get less done only to accumulate more projects! Working this fall and winter sweeping the house of every project, every loose thread, everything undone and unfinished for years! ! ! Working on photo albums, researching family genealogy for my DAR application… out every closet and drawer. Russ has not only been running the wheels off his truck with yet another donation to DAV but has also organized all his workshop and vacuumed his workbenches! Not to be morbid, I have put together all the pics for my (hopefully another 30+years down the road) funeral, AND picked the songs AND ordered the chosen CD’s……no, I’m not picking out my outfit!
The weather has changed…today. Spring is here…rather the RAINS are here and I know, because TODAY the 30’s and 40’s will knock on the ground and notify the tulips and crocus and daffodils, “PARTY TIME everyone!” and those hummers will be poppin’ their heads up! Let the real work begin!
Three weeks is all the time left to do the inside projects before the heavy manual outside yard work starts. The list is delightfully impossible! So today I have informed Mr. Mooney, hook up the trailer, it’s off to Menard’s we go. They are having a weekend sale with an 11% rebate….dog food, potting soil, sunflower seeds, outdoor patio chest……..stone blocks…..
And so life goes on, the seasons change and bring new projects and activities. I will count my blessings…..did I mention garage sales start up in another 6 weeks? Gives me enough time to paint the downstairs!