RV camping with the club gang is the best! Clif walked the dogs in the rain. Jim B did his daily steps on the paths, Russ built 2 campfires and Diane H and I went back to nature and followed the trails. The Yard Sale app took us directly to Cameron MO, but was sparse pickin’. We drove on, determined to find those perfect treasures only available under the guise of a rugged brick and mortar building. Bob, Clif, Jim B, Russ, and did I mention John H……took off in their rugged terrain vehicles and managed to find safety at the golf course.
The first stop amongst the beautiful May flowers was Antiques Anonymous LLC at 107 East 3rd. St. It had been a consignment store but now opened under a new owner! The $25 STOP sign ended up stashed in the living room of our RV behind the recliner. God will have to tell me where inside my home it will have to hang without Russ noticing it. Stuffed Bell Peppers? Yes, I will cook that voluptuous dish that day …..
If Antique Stores were treasured morels, that would be the Enchanted Frog at I-35 Exit 40 at Lathrop MO. We managed the road construction, the out of our way search to uncover true treasure! Even Diane H admitted that was the bestest place ever! (I wonder if she and John will go back and buy that crystal chandelier?) Of course I had to have that set of YELLOW patio chairs! Unfortunately I was blinded by the price tag……..They are still there. Probably they need to do a Dutch Auction where each week they lower the price until sold. The $75 FIRM metal antique Medicinal Chest on rollers called me by name as I walked past….I know “FIRM” means they won’t even call the owner with a bid, but you know it never hurts to insist, excuse me, to “ask” if they would take an offer…..for $60? I couldn’t hide this in the trailer so I just told Russ he wouldn’t mind it in his bathroom, would he? How about I fix some popcorn?
How to top off a perfect weekend in the woods? Nothing better then the music with no commercials, of severe thunderstorms while playing 5 CROWNS with our new Good Joe Sam’s Club members, Jim and Karen. It might take some time for all of us to get adjusted to “him”….but then he has not been on a campout with Bob’s daughters, Leisa and Susan, not to mention that my #1daughterConnie will be joining us and Eric and Michele and Donnie and Trisha!
Heaven help us and God save the Queen!