Yellow object’s de art don’t look the best when your walls are a burlap color. On top of that,…THAT being the ceiling, IT is a dark paper sack brown. So awaiting my upcoming 2 year sabbatical, when I can go room by room changing everything! ! ! I can’t hardly wait to get started but one must wrap up one’s activities first. Now that I think of it, I have one major event in Sept that will require much energy, so now it will have to start Oct 1.
I am working overtime trying to wrap up all my odds and ends. It does not help that we are now having high 90’s, high humidity days and the weeds are trying to take over my flower plots. The copperhead snake episode changed my life and I no longer weed EARLY in the morning like I used to. I don’t want to be found face down in the grass later when Russ gets up to go golfing with his liars club. And now the gardening is expanding as my 2nd year perennials are ABOUNDING and trying to choke out the other treasures…so I will have to be moving and splitting some plants, which will require Russ to expand and till up more land (in a new spot) and the beat goes on. It is never ending with me……however he informed me that it will have to wait till AFTER his elk hunt, when it gets cooler. Easy for him to say, but when he gets home and sees the wisteria that ate the house, he will regret his delay.
Sometimes I HAVE TO RUN AWAY FROM HOME! ! ! ! So much work and no shopping. With my day’s itinerary on paper in hand I took off on my errands, of course ending up at the RUSTY CHANDELIER, my home away from home…oops that be LOWE’S first. After church, Russ will ask, “are there any stops before we get home”? “Oh yes, LOWES”. “What do you need”? “I don’t know, but maybe they are having a season end sale on plants….”?
…..so I got my thrills… on route 71. So many delightful YELLOWS at Rusty! My heart gets to running so fast and it takes my breathe away. Russ just shakes his head, but is glad I have things to keep me busy as he slips away to golf. Let him hold that thought as #1daughterConnie and my girlfriends, this morning, are going “shopping”…….WHAT will we drag home? ? ? ?
I drug home that huge antique copper pot that was so heavy someone young had to carry it out to the car in Hermann Mo. Have been looking for “THE TREASURE” for over 2 years but everywhere I go it is always $350. It was $200 on sale for $115, I offered $90 and they took it with no argument! ! ! Merry Christmas to myself. Thank you.