Well, I did the big one this time and have hurt people’s feelings for which, I am truly sorry. On a Facebook post, on Thanksgiving Day….I gave thanks for so many people and OMITTED so many more…..I plead insanity, I plead being old and forgetful, I plead ignorance for not realizing that you cannot mention one name without mentioning other names. I did not even realize that all of our friends don’t get Christmas cards from us as I thought we were covered by our “mailing list”. What totally escaped me was the fact that in the last six years Russ and I have built a new life with so many NEW activities, new clubs and completely NEW friends….together. That mailing list did not have our RV club on it, nor the Carnegie Club, not even the Small Group on it….nor our new friends from every NEW walk of life together. To be honest, the list Russ prints off on labels for me every Christmas has names on it that we NEVER receive cards from! Oh my!
So last night we spent agonizing hours over dealing with the computer on how to alphabetize a list which apparently should have been put on an app to begin with. Russ + computer is a very unpleasant situation…enough said. We need Karen to show us where we went wrong…….Well, he ended up just doing a new list with rosters we have…but still have not added on the Carnegie Club. We had to google some addresses like Jay McGhee in Maryville, MO and were thankful that Pam Nelson texted back their new address…So now we have a situation where some may receive yet another Christmas card and some will continue to be snubbed by us due to chaos at the Mooney house!
I’m sorry Jodean and Ed Ford for missing you, LaDonna and Clif Burnes, more friends, so many people I did not mention…LaDonna Duncan…Caroline Merrigan…yes forgot to put DAR on the list…Mary Smith. OMG! At this point I’m not even sure I have spelled your names correctly….BUT IF YOU KNOW US……KNOW OUR HEARTS….you all know this was not intentional, thoughtless maybe….and probably really dumb! From this point on, will only mention you by name as we story together.
We need to recover from this trauma. What better way then to gut our basement and redesign the space….It will be awesome! Next, I will be taking on a ONE WEEK closet re-organizing that caused such a stir on Facebook with a 30 day plan for cleaning your WHOLE house. What utter nonsense….if you are ME!