Like Russ said yesterday, “we didn’t order up this pandemic. It’s not our fault.” Geez, how life has changed. I actually am at a loss of words. We now have had 3 deaths in our town in one day. For a small town as ours, that is a new thing. We were just talking last night remembering when Legionnaires Disease hit, was it in the 70’s or early 80’s? And then came AIDS. A scary time, yet not an all consuming time, as deadly as these times…world wide.
I don’t remember when people came down with polio, I actually did not exist except in God’s eye, but I was the 1st child in Cleveland to get Dr. Salk’s vaccination the 1st day it came out. And polio WAS GONE! So I believe it will be with these new vaccinations as they come out. The marvel of man’s initiative to soar above the clouds to seek answers is God given. It is coming. We are waiting.
My Revolutionary War Patriot, great great great great great grandfather Capt. Thomas Wells of Rhode Island, was captured by the British, escaped, went back to his regiment to fight again and survived, to go home to his wife and children only to die WITH his wife…at age of 45 to the smallpox epidemic…..
Today is my 3 month old baby son’s birthday. Steven Lawrence Liber. He died from his DPT shot, the pertussis part. In 1973, 1 in 10,000 children reacted to it.
It is all about trusting God. We are not promised tomorrow, but He promises never to leave us or forsake us. That is solid. I am praying for this crisis to STOP, for people world wide to have hope again. Sunday morning church is a good place to start. I don’t know where I would be w/o the Lord.