#142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets

Our date night was this morning. A rendezvous to Cosentino’s Price Chopper. Of course we dressed for the occasion in our finest vinyl disposable gloves. Unfortunately I had to wake hub side kick at 6:30 after reading that we would have freezing rain by 9 AM. Grumbles got up and we left. A short time was had by all and we were home within the hour, the weeklygrocery/datenight/extravaganza done. And we just barely beat the sleet and snow and quickly wrapped the magnolia tree and emerging blossoms.

A perfect time to explore 289 ways to fix fresh beets and greens. I made up a beet hummus for topping cheese and crackers this afternoon when I get together with me, myself and I….Then for supper we will be blessed with 2 sides of sliced chilled beets AND buttered boiled stems and beet leaves…..the main entre will be elk soft tacos…

Garage sales have been cancelled by the city of St. Joseph. No permits allowed. Just as well, I cannot go and risk living life to the fullest.

I’m tired of painting. My hands are a color chart.

So the next new thing is expanding my cooking of which I have always loved. I experiment on Russ and he is quick to say….”I…did…not…especially…like…that…Still newlyweds, still kind to eachother, sometimes….if the virus don’t kill him, I……..

But in all things I am grateful. There will be wonderful things come out of this dark time in the world. We will unite. We will value human life again. We will seek the Lord’s face and He will hear our prayers and heal our land!

Don’t forget to kiss the dog!


#108… Confessions of Looking Back