It happened again! #1daughterconnie and I went shopping at the fave, The Rusty Chandelier and there it was, the dancing picture. I had to have it. That’s me and Russ…..in my “skinny mind” but true when we were dating….not so long ago. Sixteen dollars. So I brought it home and slid it behind a floor lamp in the dining room out of hub side-kick’s eye. I know he notices everything but his lips are silent. And it has sat there for a month. Well then of course, my regular slew of monthly magazines arrive full of decorating ideas and I’m interested in the dramatic huge flowered wallpapers trending on one wall of rooms. Wallpaper Warehouse was my choice and here is this paper which took my breath away the moment I saw it, as it is similar to the curtain panels surrounding my sheers. Would you believe it was on clearance and would you believe that I used the algebra I was taught in high school and have used all my adult life to figure out exactly how much paper was needed. Pre-pasted vinyl 2 rolls for right under $57 FREE SHIPPING arriving in 3 days! ! !
I had invited #1daughterconnie and hub for Memorial Weekend Sunday dinner.
PS Wear your work clothes………
I don’t know what I would have done without her. She ended up doing the whole wall and I was self-appointed supervisor. She came with a little bit of lip, must have take after her grandmother, may she rest in peace…the transformation is stunning.
That 8 ft mahogany credenza was a Salvation Army thrift store find in Shawnee Ks. a couple of years ago. I was almost widowed that day when Russ had to have that loaded in his 5 ft. bed truck. I met his dark side…no more be said, but it got uglier as we drove 1 1/2 hours home thinking how the —– was he going to unload that—— —— when he got home. I loaned him my car for a couple of days, and cooked spaghetti that night….