Amazingly our family made it thru Covid-19 alive, but a few did come down with the virus and only time will reveal if, and what damage. What a sad year with no hugs and kisses and only on a rare occasion did we get to sit together for short moments on a cold patio till we were too frozen to continue.
We are vaccinated. We are only 1 out of 4 in Andrew County who are vaccinated at 25.9%. Down the road, 6 houses down, Buchanan County which covers St. Joseph, only 19.7% are vaccinated.
IN ONE WEEK, DELTA VARIANT HAS TRIPLED the covid cases here in Joetown and ALL DEATHS have been of un-vaccinated younger people……TRIPLED, did I mention in ONE WEEK?
No one in my Missouri family is vaccinated, and not in Pensacola……only we the parents and other parents in law. Is there a possibility that because of our age and years of experience and wisdom we have gathered, that perhaps we know something you don’t?
Probably you don’t wake up in the morning and thank God, that He has allowed you another day to live.
For sure you haven’t awakened in the morning and found your baby boy had passed……..
I want for my family not to experience “life” such as so many families have experienced across our country this past year. A death, a tragic death will knock your life off it’s feet forever. I was a different person before that Sunday morning in 1973. I cried for 20 years. You maybe very cocky with your youth to say “I have the right to not take the vaccine if I don’t want to”. Stomp your foot while you are at it……
But life is worth the livin’! God is so good and there is soooooo much to do, even if age is catching up. I don’t want to see my children or grandchildren, my extended family, my precious friends….ANYONE…… ravaged by this Delta Virus. This family has not had a tragic death since Steven died. We have wept only over the passage of our tired older people.
IN ONE WEEK in ST. JOSEPH MO. DELTA VARIANT COVID HAS TRIPLED. The day it quadruples, Russ and I will only be around those who are vaccinated. A Polish woman, such as I, am not going to play Russian Roulette.
Choose today, if perhaps you should change your mind about getting vaccinated. Remember 2 things…. YOU are ONLY ALIVE because your mother made sure you grew up with all your vaccinations and rewarded you afterwards with donuts and ice cream, AND YOU have never had to have 2 people pull you off a small casket to have it lowered into the ground.