My best friend Marge Lavenburg, continually causes me problems. She has embedded in my mind…”simplify”. Her stinkin’ thinkin’ follows me around like a shadow. Knowing that garage sales start up in about 4 weeks has me shaking with the thrill of the hunt, but nervous that, that crazy woman is going to whisper “simplify…” and she doesn’t need to be present for me to hear it across town. I only put up with her because she knows me and still loves me. And we are Thelma and Louise……and we like to travel together and set up a picnic in a parking lot at a grocery store, and not to mention lunch at a cemetery, which I have now taught my #1daughterconnie to do. Y’all didn’t know I have another life. There are witnesses…Sharon, Felicia, Michelle, Bill, Chris, Jason, Christina, Katrina…they know.
But I can’t live like her. A bed, a chair….simple. Thank God she has me to bring some excitement into her life. I know I will pay for this….she will shortly bring drama into mine.
So I threw that nasty word of hers out the door and her too, but she keeps coming back.
I replaced it with “Editing Styles”, the latest in new words for old worn out OVER USED WORDS MARGE….a new process for letting go and throwing out. I am now sweeping one wall of a room at a time and throwing out, donating or giving away. Yesterday I started the dining room, went thru all the credenzas and eliminated cloth napkins I never use, tablecloths that are the wrong colors, dishes, EVERY drawer was pilfered. Furniture was moved out. Today there is still one wall left and I have to donate some books I don’t want..YES, I believe that every room other then bathrooms and kitchen should have a library.
Speaking of “I believe”, what makes a room in my house, WHICH PLEASE MAKE NOTE, THE HUB SIDE KICK WILL SPECIFICALLY HATE TODAY…is that I like having 1 to 3 clocks per EACH room including barn……..While others are watching pro golf today, he will be changing clocks ALL day. Tonight is daylight savings…..It’s a thing I have for looking up at a clock…not around, but up. 4 is too many. Then being a female, a mirror is good…3 lamps a room is required except the dining room which has 7, oh good grief, I got up and counted, I have 12….and I just noticed 3 more. Not one word Marge.
So to summarize, The basics of style in a room of mine are LAMPS, CLocks, Books and a mirror. Next furniture and then all co-ordinated with the right colors of accessories running through the house to tie it together.
In a nutshell, garage sales will be starting up and I need to make room.
And now a piano, that explains the dining room simplificationaleditingstylemarge…