#234…A New Year, Forgiveness…A Good Read, Click on APPLY!

Down the hatch with 2024! I shed a lot of tears last year. So many things went south. Every time we turned around. something with the house, MAJOR, had to be repaired. There were 3 1/2 months of disruption to getting the front room remodeled… more major breakdowns. Every piece of equipment overhauled! Sixteen tires Read more about #234…A New Year, Forgiveness…A Good Read, Click on APPLY![…]

#229…Valentine’s Day at a New Level

Flowers are true love, chocolate the finest gift…if not diamonds… This morning I experienced the next level of love. Hub side-kick took some time thinking about this. I have been awaiting therapy for arthritis pressing on my nerve endings in my neck and somehow I had fallen between the cracks with an appointment and 4 Read more about #229…Valentine’s Day at a New Level[…]

#227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again

Where do all these projects come from? Why, my beloved magazines…HGTV, BETTER HOMES & GARDENS, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, WOMAN’S DAY, REAL SIMPLE, COUNTRY HOME and GARDEN GATE. Sometimes 4 issues will come in 1 day. I’m in heaven! But I cannot keep all these magazines, so going thru the pages, there will be nuggets of gold Read more about #227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again[…]

#223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course!

I am my mother’s daughter. Every season 4 times a year she would rearrange the rooms. I have faithfully duplicated that all my life. And then when I was a teen, someone invented the 1st garage sale…yard sale, and I’ve been saling ever since! Now in the late autumn of my life, because of macular Read more about #223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course![…]

#221…Amazingly It’s getting Done…Almost!

The kids say Mom is anal, hub-sidekick sez “where you gonna put it?” I walked away from this estate sale EVEN though it was 75% off for a total of $18.50! We are talking solid oak with glass doors, glass shelves…light…not one scratch. I’ll let Russ think he brought me to my senses, but the Read more about #221…Amazingly It’s getting Done…Almost![…]

#219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault!

It is not my fault that yesterday I had to save myself from the embarrassment of being THREE DAYS LATE with my Christmas decor because Tammie Jones posted a fb video of Darryl working on his Christmas lights..LIT lights! So I had to get these lit wrapped packages out on my patio just to save Read more about #219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault![…]

#218…But, Joy Cometh in the Morning

Many of you call me a workhorse with endless energy. Have you considered that 5 children had something to do with it? There is NO goofing off when you live with a crowd. I once hung a sheet of paper above my washer and dryer. End of the week…16 hash marks for loads done! And Read more about #218…But, Joy Cometh in the Morning[…]

#226…21 Days Later Loss of 9 lbs! ! !

9 lbs may sound like a pittance, maybe a good office joke today, but consider that for 10 years, I have steadily eaten and drank my way to be the PLEASANTLY PLUMP person that I am. All the attempts to change have only added on more pounds. Then there’s that other man in my life, Read more about #226…21 Days Later Loss of 9 lbs! ! ![…]

#215…Got the Mind Right, Got the Plan

I am not without problems. I’m splitting the personality so I can trick myself to lose weight. So there’s me the body, BUT now me the mind. The body has run amuck! Now for THE plan. Visual persuasion is my latest thing. I’m down 4 lbs. in two weeks, a Hallmark miracle! ! ! The Read more about #215…Got the Mind Right, Got the Plan[…]

#214…All Items For Sale… A Song

You all come and see, It’s all got to go, We’re splitting the sheets, No offer too low. The prices are slashed, A whale of a sale. Two lifes have been trashed, all items for sale! Look at the keepsakes, The frames are still nice, A box of heartaches, A handful of rice. Our matching Read more about #214…All Items For Sale… A Song[…]