#112…The POWER of a Picture

It’s all in the magazines! I have often said, you need to fill your mind with new things, ALL THE TIME ! ! !  Are you bored? Go read some magazines in things that trip your trigger. Go to the library and look at all they have. Are you a ham radio operator, do you Read more about #112…The POWER of a Picture[…]

#109…Hard Day’s Night…Gardening 101

So many mistakes I’ve made this year gardening. So much I have learned. SO much to replant this fall…OMG! Some people plant and enjoy. I plant the most beautiful things in the wrong place, the wrong size, the wrong sun exposure. I’m a slow learner, BUT I am a learner….not a quitter. Last year I Read more about #109…Hard Day’s Night…Gardening 101[…]