#79……Swapaholic, Shopaholic……Shazam ! ! !

4 AM is a good time to take pics and post on St Joseph Swapaholic. Amazingly, it is surprising how many people are  awake and posting or shopping! But I had to get around early to leave for a one hour drive to Kansas City to my daughter Connie, #1, and partake in a cup Read more about #79……Swapaholic, Shopaholic……Shazam ! ! ![…]

#74…Cowboy Boots are the NEW High Heels. A Geriatric, Excuse Me, RARE find………

  A new phase of my life, the computer screen goes to sleep while I’m gathering my thoughts.  Ah……the slowdown of, ok, you name it. This is not necessarily a bad thing. So I have these beautiful blue cowboy boots made of stiff, tough bull hide that were claustrophobic to me but I thought I Read more about #74…Cowboy Boots are the NEW High Heels. A Geriatric, Excuse Me, RARE find………[…]

#72…Answering a text, NO Punctuation, Unfiltered…..Just me

I wondered if you noticed….russ has been corrupted by me………i had him drive me to the spotted dog consignment for a 10 minute appointment….what went wrong then while I waited to get my stuff checked in was that he got hungry though I had to wake him up sitting in the car to tell him Read more about #72…Answering a text, NO Punctuation, Unfiltered…..Just me[…]

#52…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly….Part 3……Tweeking

      Now it’s getting crazy! The room is getting stripped down to the basics. The yellow basket is for sale today on St. Joe Swap & Shop…..the blue bag by the bed is in the bus, now a holding tank for 3 blankies…..the cheese boxes are stashed there instead……I’m afraid the red in the Read more about #52…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly….Part 3……Tweeking[…]

#46…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…the Plan!

    I am minding my own business. Ah, yes, I will check out the antique mall in Mesa…always looking for Christmas gifts. Ok, so it’s January. But to know me, is to know that all my Christmas is wrapped by the 1st of Sept….ribbons and tags. List complete! So I come across these $153 lockers Read more about #46…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…the Plan![…]

#24…Buzzing #bob’sbigboy #drivein ! ! !

Took a walk down memory lane at #chandler’s #merchantsquare. Not often we walk out of a place with $$ still intact. To say the least, they were pricey. But, my goodness did they have treasures! ! !  “If I were a rich man” (Fiddler on the Roof) we could have backed up a huge truck Read more about #24…Buzzing #bob’sbigboy #drivein ! ! ![…]