#235…Living with a Compatriot

It now takes him longer to get dressed then me. He has his higher-then-knee, stockings. Of course the dark orange garters…The white nightshirt to his knees…all of which has to be tucked into his britches. You think I’m pulling your leg. Then a very tight vest buttoned to the top…Oh, 1st, a cowled black neck Read more about #235…Living with a Compatriot[…]

#233..Geez It’s Been 7 Months, Toss the Jello

What a year it has been! Ever since I got bronchial pneumonia boarding the train for New York, October of 2023, we have had to deal with one thing after another. Seven months of 4 doses  of antibiotics and steroids finally got me on track again with that issue. Then Russ started coughing and coughing, Read more about #233..Geez It’s Been 7 Months, Toss the Jello[…]

#220…Will I Ever Get Done?

My kitchen looks ridiculous. So 3 weeks have gone by as I work on cleaning out every cabinet and purging and then purging some more.  I have 45 cabinet doors, a short attention span and struggle with rabbit trailing. Did I mention I am ? citcelsyD. So again I have to trick my mind. Yes, Read more about #220…Will I Ever Get Done?[…]

#207…A Jolly Holly Time…Run, Holly, RUN!

I am not normal. I  do things differently then others. My New Year starts Tuesday after Labor Day. Listen, when you have 5 children, you live for that 1st day of school. Now I have grandchildren who have teenagers and I still celebrate New Year’s on Tuesday after Labor Day! FREEDOM! ! !  No one Read more about #207…A Jolly Holly Time…Run, Holly, RUN![…]

#204…Dog Days of an Extreme Summer

There has to be a word beyond extreme…Maybe grueling. There has been so much work outside unlike ever before. Day after day of 100+ heat index with enough rain to keep that grass growing and everything else non-stop growing, and then seriously growing. Most generally by the end of July the grass is parched and Read more about #204…Dog Days of an Extreme Summer[…]

#203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…

It is very simple to explain. It is ALL Shirley and Sue’s fault! What to do in July, when day after day is over 100 degrees heat index? All gardening has to be done betwixt 5:30 and 7:00 AM, followed by a shower. The Christmas music is playing, IT IS Christmas in July, people. There’s Read more about #203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…[…]

#196…Ah…New Lists, Spring To-Do’s

…and snow! So late in the season, so I have more time to do things with my spring cleaning. Washing ceiling and table fans. Cleaning out our libraries of books we don’t want to keep…Ironing a table scarf. Today, I need to gut the cabinets in 2 bathrooms, throw out junk and restack  the shelves Read more about #196…Ah…New Lists, Spring To-Do’s[…]

#195…Trending Now…Editing

My best friend Marge Lavenburg, continually causes me problems. She has embedded in my mind…”simplify”. Her stinkin’ thinkin’ follows me around like a shadow. Knowing that garage sales start up in about 4 weeks has me shaking with the thrill of the hunt, but nervous that, that crazy woman is going to whisper “simplify…” and Read more about #195…Trending Now…Editing[…]

#194…He Delights in Us When We Draw Near to Him

I am ecstatic. I prayed believing, because I have always prayed about everything since the day I lost my baby son and I cried out to the Lord. Not to say I don’t have my problems like everyone else, but I am never alone….Sometimes the Lord has to carry me in His arms. And there Read more about #194…He Delights in Us When We Draw Near to Him[…]

#188…A New Year, 1st Snow

4 AM, just a dusting so far. A happy time. SNOW ALL DAY! Come on, this girl was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Take me home…city roads, lake effect……..Of course I don’t have to drive so it’s a wonderful day at home looking out the window at God at work decorating his palette. A minimalist, at Read more about #188…A New Year, 1st Snow[…]