#17…Bad Hair Day

It’s a sad thing…… in these days of #me23 #DNA, I have to end up looking like Bella, my cousin Candi’s dog. Then I saw this, this morning on FaceBook….A #KOOKYWOOF post….Feb 1 2018

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So Bella has become famous and beautiful and what do I have to look forward to? I got on a list last week as being a naughty person…Alright, I have my problems…the hair. I decided to let my hair grow long and quit coloring it. It is very fine and tends to be dryer and that gives me a static look “do.” Sometimes to distract people from looking right at all of it, I’ll spray a touch of green or blue wisp of washable color on it. Tell you right now, DO NOT EVER spray directly on hair when opening a NEW can….a concentrated NEW can……as I did right before going #dancing one night. My gray hair grew out as a platinum blond color (that’s the gray redheads end up with)and when I sprayed, I was using a #pink/red color. It hit me in a large circle on my left side making me look like I had a painted target on my hair! Well….that only comes out when washing, and it was time to head out. Did I care? Nah, I like to glow in the dark and it just gave me a more exciting look! 6 year old who shaves stared at me and never said a word.

We always sit at a long table with various friends and I wasn’t too concerned about my appearance as I am known to walk the edge…BOLDLY. Towards the end of the dance one man stood up and started walking away, but he couldn’t contain himself anymore. He spun around with both hands on his hips , looked me in the eyes and said “What the hell happened to your hair?” What could I say….”My hair bled.”

Later that night,Russ was helping me unhook my necklace, he said very calmly, “I just want you to know, I did not really care for your hair tonight'”

What I do now is spray the color into my hand and run it through my hair…….favorite color being this luscious steel blue……….. Many colors available at #walgreens  at $4.95@ just sayin’

Bella, #yougogirl! You will soon be asked for your paw prints.


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