#111…Fill the Feeders and THEY will Come!

“Stef, come here NOW! QUICK!” Hub side kick NEVER shows excitement, ever…… but when I saw his eyeballs about to pop, I flew off the recliner with unbelievable speed. OMG!

That feeder was put together by Russ, and if you notice, we are talking a huge dining room chandelier! That Cooper Hawk was stunning, beautiful and amazing. There are not enough words to describe the awesomeness of those 20 minutes this creature of God shared with us.  The world became totally silent and time stopped. After about 10 minutes he flew off the perch and landed on top of the pergola. I was actually able to walk up to the post and snap pictures. We thought he’d never leave. I only hope he comes back…..and it never bothered our hummingbirds!

What is amazing is that Sunday morning, while getting dressed for church, I was praying that God would speak to me a word, that day, just so I could hear his voice and make my heart smile. Monday night Jay taught at our small group on the book of John about God so loving the world and NOT coming to condemn the world… and I heard God speak to me on forgiveness…Thank you Jay and Abby. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer.

And last night he send this beautiful creature…I knew immediately in my spirit that God is overjoyed to answer my prayer even in greater proportion then I could imagine. What will today bring? Goodness and mercy for sure. I am so grateful for the “moments” I am blessed with.



#76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….