#125…Drop Kick a New Color Palette (1)

Got ‘er done! We started with brick wallboard down in our basement….looked on Pinterest for color combinations using light brown furniture and decided the latest color is grey. But oh so many shades of grey, not to mention endless possibilities with browns. Out came the magazines and I started matching the browns, greens, tans….the carpet, cutting out the shades and taping them on cardboard to be carried around in my purse. ALWAYS ALWAYS I have to have that palette in my purse! There’s nothing worse then needing a blue/red throw pillow and coming home with an orange/red.

Russ built the fireplace from scratch for the electric fireplace insert he swapped from #1daughterconnie who is enjoying her queen bed and chest from us. Now….a naked palette to start with….how exciting for me! SO…………………………I have this rug with every color the world. Don’t know quite how this will work, but I have this antique nail barrel…$8 at a garage sale, then the huge clock w/o a clock I found at DAV for $40. I asked to speak to the manager…”for heaven’s sake there is no clock here…how can you ask that amount? BUT I will give you $20 for it and then will have to spend money for clock hands…” I didn’t think I could get it in the car! At home I pulled up the brand on the internet….$425! ! ! ! ! !

The flowers match….yup, thrift shop for $7.


#64…Chaos in the Cactus of my Mind, Part 1….Thinking About It…