#139…2020…Cancelled, Closed……..

Life flies by sooo fast. Sometimes I lose a day in one week. Every few months I seem to have a 3 week month and am in confusion that whole time. Then it seems like the older I get, the whole year flies by and it’s Jan 1 again and the next day it’s time to get the Christmas tree up!

It seems 2020 has been cancelled and completely closed.

My thoughts flounder from ok, ok……to how are we going to do this? I think I have a handle on stuff and then there’s a cancellation that throws a whole new perspective on everything.  Never considered….no funerals? How will we manage the next election?

Everything in St. Joseph MO has shut down. Tomorrow restaurants and bars. already all casinos, schools and universities, Carnegie Club, RMEF Banquet, Duncan Hills Golf Course, all churches, DAR luncheons, Amazon ordering of regular stuff, multiple businesses…..

We have cancelled going to friend’s homes, eye doctor appointments, Friday morning breakfast at La Peeps, supper with our Good Joe Sam Club at a restaurant……being with family and friends, everything wrapping up this weekend and then it’s just me and……..him. I may have to have him put a bed out in the barn if/when he gets too impossible, that Irishman….Thank you Jesus for my husband YOU gave me.

It’s a tremendously serious time, but it’s also a good time to lighten up and enjoy the blessings God has given us…time with whomever you share your home with, playin with the pets……..projects to get done you never have time for…working on a budget, or learning to budget, time to get creative and think, how can we recover from this financially, what extra stuff can we do when we can venture out again, planning weekly meals on paper, kissing the dog, weeding the gardens, planting a garden, teaching the kids chores ! ! !

I know without a doubt some of us will be facing heartbreak, some financial devastation, some despair, but I also know we have a real God we can turn to and He will carry us through this. I have walked through these things and have become a better person for it. AND…America always excels when she comes through tough times because Americans pull together and become stronger. We have been needing something to bring us together.

It has arrived. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

“Count it as joy when you go through tribulations, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” Unquote God. It’s here. We have to deal with it. BE KIND to each other. And…. we will have the excitement of creating a new world put together with tears and work. A new chapter…..

Love you guys! WE CAN DO THIS! ! ! ! !