#197…What Signals is He Sending Here?

He couldn’t wait to show me what he so proudly bought FOR ME at Lowe’s! A gift just for me…and I was gonna start on a new book this week. It has occurred to me that Christmas is going to change for him. White sox and underwear, oh, and a tie. He has done family seminars on how boring such essentials would be as GIFTS. OK so he didn’t get me a vacuum……Truth of it is HE NEEDED some soil for a project HE is doing. I did think it was strange when I watched him go down the road pulling the trailer…when he said he was going to get a hand full of stepping stones.

The problem is that I underestimate this man. I think he doesn’t hear me, I think he has selective hearing, he doesn’t argue, too much, but somehow I don’t pay attention to that computer that is running in his mind…and then he pulls this clever stunt, stages it quietly…BECAUSE he has been watching me, taking in my tactics and slam dunking me with this creativity he has developed.

He knows in my heart I am absolutely delighted. Some women love flowers and diamonds, I love bags of mulch, battery operated garden tools…and my wheelbarrow, dolly and magnet….and paint, need brushes… Been changing the colors of my patio furniture due to that paint factory that burned down and the shelves are empty of the colors I needed.

Life is good. My Christian faith surrounds me, protects me and I know above everything else, God loves ME.

I have a new granddog…I’m expecting a new great grandbaby and other exciting events ahead for the family! Garage sales have started….Yes, above all, God is good!



#109…Hard Day’s Night…Gardening 101