#200…Once Upon a Time…in Schenectady New York….

…my daddy was born. Last month, hub side kick and I, traveled back to discover my roots. I met everyone, everything, everywhere for the 1st time. My two cousins, daughters of my father’s sister, and their families. The emotions and tears have been overwhelming. But what a special gift from God to give us 3 girls at this time of our lifes….and the prayers now that we be able to be able to see each other for a long while before one is gone.

The 3 of us individually have been sad all these years that we never had family over for a holiday. We each married into huge families, but it was never our family. It is amazing to know that we have identical thoughts. It is amazing to be so in love with 2 women that are like sisters to me. It all started 3 years ago when Mike found us on Ancestry and then his brother Tim send a note that he was taking over the family tree….and we all started messaging back and forth.

I figured I needed to verify to these 2 women I was the real thing, so I gave each a picture of their mom and dad before children…out of my picture albums! They already had those pictures sitting around their homes! They verified themselves when they opened up their albums and showed me pictures of my mom and dad and ME! ! !

So now my thoughts are on the next trip…on getting my home ready for company…hopefully endless company as now I have a LARGE FAMILY! And now through Ancestry, I have a new cousin, Maria Bruyn in Toronto whom I have not met YET. We share our great great grandparents in Poland. Thank you God for sharing the best you have for me at this time of my life! Our God is such a gift giver!

We have had so much rain this week. But tomorrow is sunshine and GARAGE SALES. Oh happy days are here! What treasure will I find?