#202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me

If there’s something to find at a garage sale to paint, to repurpose, I, of course have to decor the garden plots too. Everything has a story, everything tells who I am, it is all me. My surroundings tell my story and the beautiful plants reveal how great God is. Even the rocks in my plots are outstanding. They add that “Shazam” as my friend Bill Bridgewater often sez…..he and wife Connie are our fair weather friends as we meet only twice a year to play spades. Make a note to call and schedule…

And the more outlandish, the happier I am. There are flowers buried in the most unusual containers in ground permanently, sometimes the bottoms cut out, so the containers can rust over the years and add patina to further enhance my plots. I feel as creative in what I do as Bill Pevlor in his digital photography of lighthouses, flowers and bugs….

There hard hard times to be sure. Russ sowed grass in a long area only to be trampled by 3 burrows who then proceeded to my plots and ate the tops off my ornamental umbrella grass, zebra grass and ALL the leaves off the banana pepper plants…#@%!*>+%*!

Did I mention the coons who found my compost patch?

It is such a joy in the morning when watering, I can walk around 1 squirrel eating the black oil sunflower seeds in the driveway while the other 3 flea away, then there is a red-wing blackbird munching on the suet who, when he sees me, chirps and I whistle and he chirps and I whistle…….does not fly off, and oh yes, there is a rabbit who watches me closely as I throw out the sunflower seeds…

It’s a good day in the hood. There is hope that I can be done getting all the plots done by Labor Day when it’s time to put all away. Happy 4th of July. Independence Day! So much to be thankful for. There’s always “stuff” we all have to deal with, but we will get thru! God is healing our land.


#145…Pandemic Gardening