#208…Mom…Remembering the Good

My Mom was a planner. She arrived in Schenectady NY as a new war bride after WWII. Looking around, she figured out if she was going to live nice she would have to get educated. She worked 3 jobs and enrolled in Western Reserve (now) University. With 2 years under her belt, she became a Read more about #208…Mom…Remembering the Good[…]

#202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me

If there’s something to find at a garage sale to paint, to repurpose, I, of course have to decor the garden plots too. Everything has a story, everything tells who I am, it is all me. My surroundings tell my story and the beautiful plants reveal how great God is. Even the rocks in my Read more about #202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me[…]

#201…The FACTS…change

Never in a million years have there been more then 4 people in a FAMILY picture of where I came from, ok there was one with 1 person extra, another time an extra 2, but I had to travel to Poland to get those pictures except the original 4 had become only 2 and so Read more about #201…The FACTS…change[…]

#199…As Soon as Sprinter is Over…

I’m tired of having summer, fall, winter, winter, summer coming on…Just when I was hoping freezing temperatures and daily snow would stop, SPRINTER has brought high winds, tornados and  flying debris to our state. My friend, Jim Brooke, has nailed it. “The earth has wobbled off it’s axis.” How else can this be explained? I Read more about #199…As Soon as Sprinter is Over…[…]

#197…What Signals is He Sending Here?

He couldn’t wait to show me what he so proudly bought FOR ME at Lowe’s! A gift just for me…and I was gonna start on a new book this week. It has occurred to me that Christmas is going to change for him. White sox and underwear, oh, and a tie. He has done family Read more about #197…What Signals is He Sending Here?[…]

#196…Ah…New Lists, Spring To-Do’s

…and snow! So late in the season, so I have more time to do things with my spring cleaning. Washing ceiling and table fans. Cleaning out our libraries of books we don’t want to keep…Ironing a table scarf. Today, I need to gut the cabinets in 2 bathrooms, throw out junk and restack  the shelves Read more about #196…Ah…New Lists, Spring To-Do’s[…]

#195…Trending Now…Editing

My best friend Marge Lavenburg, continually causes me problems. She has embedded in my mind…”simplify”. Her stinkin’ thinkin’ follows me around like a shadow. Knowing that garage sales start up in about 4 weeks has me shaking with the thrill of the hunt, but nervous that, that crazy woman is going to whisper “simplify…” and Read more about #195…Trending Now…Editing[…]

#192…There’s Not Much Time Left To Rest…

  This is the sweetest time of the year for me, a quiet time to count my blessings, catching up on some books, cleaning out (editing my house, the magazine article said), trying new recipes…everything at my leisure. 5 Feb today. I’m good for 1 more week. Temps will be in the 50’s. In 2 Read more about #192…There’s Not Much Time Left To Rest…[…]

#189…NO, Thank You

As most do, I also contemplate all the new changes that I’m going to make for the new year, but have finally given up on the physical fitness workout and dieting once and for all. Maybe not in my mind, but not committing verbally across my lips.  Yet it is so exciting to anticipate the Read more about #189…NO, Thank You[…]

#188…A New Year, 1st Snow

4 AM, just a dusting so far. A happy time. SNOW ALL DAY! Come on, this girl was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Take me home…city roads, lake effect……..Of course I don’t have to drive so it’s a wonderful day at home looking out the window at God at work decorating his palette. A minimalist, at Read more about #188…A New Year, 1st Snow[…]