#235…Living with a Compatriot

It now takes him longer to get dressed then me. He has his higher-then-knee, stockings. Of course the dark orange garters…The white nightshirt to his knees…all of which has to be tucked into his britches. You think I’m pulling your leg. Then a very tight vest buttoned to the top…Oh, 1st, a cowled black neck Read more about #235…Living with a Compatriot[…]

#227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again

Where do all these projects come from? Why, my beloved magazines…HGTV, BETTER HOMES & GARDENS, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, WOMAN’S DAY, REAL SIMPLE, COUNTRY HOME and GARDEN GATE. Sometimes 4 issues will come in 1 day. I’m in heaven! But I cannot keep all these magazines, so going thru the pages, there will be nuggets of gold Read more about #227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again[…]

#225…Changing Times Bring About Creativity

Dealing with these new changes  with 4 plans to choose from concerning our electrical billing seem overwhelming. It’s all about “peak hours”…they say. We still have to deal with the situation at hand, so we are going to the office and sit down and figure out what is best for us. The horror stories are Read more about #225…Changing Times Bring About Creativity[…]

#223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course!

I am my mother’s daughter. Every season 4 times a year she would rearrange the rooms. I have faithfully duplicated that all my life. And then when I was a teen, someone invented the 1st garage sale…yard sale, and I’ve been saling ever since! Now in the late autumn of my life, because of macular Read more about #223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course![…]

#214…All Items For Sale… A Song

You all come and see, It’s all got to go, We’re splitting the sheets, No offer too low. The prices are slashed, A whale of a sale. Two lifes have been trashed, all items for sale! Look at the keepsakes, The frames are still nice, A box of heartaches, A handful of rice. Our matching Read more about #214…All Items For Sale… A Song[…]

#208…Mom…Remembering the Good

My Mom was a planner. She arrived in Schenectady NY as a new war bride after WWII. Looking around, she figured out if she was going to live nice she would have to get educated. She worked 3 jobs and enrolled in Western Reserve (now) University. With 2 years under her belt, she became a Read more about #208…Mom…Remembering the Good[…]

#202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me

If there’s something to find at a garage sale to paint, to repurpose, I, of course have to decor the garden plots too. Everything has a story, everything tells who I am, it is all me. My surroundings tell my story and the beautiful plants reveal how great God is. Even the rocks in my Read more about #202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me[…]

#191…-8 Degrees Outside, Rabbit Trailing

#1daughterconniesezthemagicwordsImissedmymamalet’sgoshopping! Having just returned from a road trip, it seemed the most logical thing for us to do. A few more days and I can paint some furniture in the garage, yes it has to be at least 50 degrees, so gathering ideas is good. Those decals fascinate me. I have to have visual ideas Read more about #191…-8 Degrees Outside, Rabbit Trailing[…]

#188…A New Year, 1st Snow

4 AM, just a dusting so far. A happy time. SNOW ALL DAY! Come on, this girl was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Take me home…city roads, lake effect……..Of course I don’t have to drive so it’s a wonderful day at home looking out the window at God at work decorating his palette. A minimalist, at Read more about #188…A New Year, 1st Snow[…]

#182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???

I have either lost my mind or I’m slipping into my 2nd childhood. A powerball win would save me. Then I could hire a crew of people to help do all the projects I come up with. I cannot stop looking around and maybe for the 1st time in my life seeing sooooooo many things Read more about #182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???[…]