#167…Wife, Blogger, Gardener, Garage Saler, Stager…Commentator

THE TREE IS STILL UP. It is January 12 and no thoughts of taking it down. Everything else is put away but the tree lingers. Makes for a lovely night light! Other projects are calling my name. The damaged basement is almost done. Now I’m painting some end tables and trying to find cushions for Read more about #167…Wife, Blogger, Gardener, Garage Saler, Stager…Commentator[…]

#166…Reading, Rriting, Repainting….The 3 “R’s”

1st day in years I didn’t work all day. A rarity for me. OK I did work a little on Chuck’s family tree with compiling death certificates and finding  wrong grave stones, but I sat and only taxed my mind, what is left of it. If you know my hub side kick, you’ll understand. I Read more about #166…Reading, Rriting, Repainting….The 3 “R’s”[…]

#164…A New Dog…ALL Things NEW

My new Granddog coming home to Florida from being rescued in North Carolina. I am already sooo in love with this 20 month old newfie….only because the owner became ill and went for a covid test…only because she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer instead, this puppykins is beginning a new life. Reflecting back to Read more about #164…A New Dog…ALL Things NEW[…]

#163…A Dark Time…2020

Like Russ said yesterday, “we didn’t order up this pandemic. It’s not our fault.” Geez, how life has changed. I actually am at a loss of words. We now have had 3 deaths in our town in one day. For a small town as ours, that is a new thing. We were just talking last Read more about #163…A Dark Time…2020[…]

#162…An Old Gal, OLD GLORY and a New Day!

God has so many surprises for us! Who would have thunk the older I get, the more new roads open up before me and then in the middle of Mom in law going into hospice….Merry Christmas happens! I was born into an unwanting family to two young people who could not work things out. My Read more about #162…An Old Gal, OLD GLORY and a New Day![…]

#160…A Letter to my Dog

Well, I don’t have to tip toe around anymore sneaking out to my flower plots to do some work UNNOTICED by you! I swear you slept with one ear up listening for ANYONE to throw your ball. Your life was about your toys. I don’t know if people could believe that you lay there for Read more about #160…A Letter to my Dog[…]

#159…as The Tears fall, the Heart Remembers

A new flower plot! ! !  Russ built it for Smokers where he died. My good friend Connie Bridgewater, gave me the flashy twirling flower and I decored with some of his favorite toys. My plan is no earth showing…..so here we go. A portion of cattle panel and the gate were left up, so Read more about #159…as The Tears fall, the Heart Remembers[…]

#158…Thank you Lord For My Dog

Smokers was a rescue dog. His owners had a baby girl and at the age of 2 they put her out on the grass to walk. He kept knocking her down because he wanted her to throw his ball. We each drove 60 miles to meet up. The man was in tears having had him Read more about #158…Thank you Lord For My Dog[…]

#156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO

It’s only been 5 months since the remodel and last week the flood came…and stood for 2 days, 3 inches deep before I went downstairs to get something……I thank God that it was ONLY rain water and not sewage. We were blessed indeed. We live on a hill, but then so do numerous springs around Read more about #156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO[…]

#155…Beware of Aisle Dancing

  Life is not perfect. Being a very detailed person, I work overtime trying to make everything just right, especially when “Company’s Coming!” Of late, I have experienced some cooking casualties…the sweet potatoes not quite baked long  enough, the meat a bit OVER cooked. It seems I have to google often for oven temperatures and Read more about #155…Beware of Aisle Dancing[…]