#148…Again, a New Chapter

I played with calling this Pandemic a “NEW” normal as everyone is calling it, but that particular “new” in my life happened when I got divorced after 33 years. That gut wrenching trauma amidst waling and panic attacks flip flopped my life forever. It was my sentence, one broken and lonely night when I said Read more about #148…Again, a New Chapter[…]

#146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! !

I already know I’m going to be in all kinds of trouble. The garage sale queen of deals is going to be let loose. Definitely a pop in the oven pizza for supper that night. Oh no, that won’t do…it will be our 7th wedding anniversary. Seems right that IF Chuck got an OUTBACK’S take Read more about #146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! ![…]

#145…Pandemic Gardening

It took “Shelter At Home” to catch me all up on my gardening for the 1st time in my life! There is not one weed in my flower plots, unless they grew overnight. This year I planted huge pots with tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, onions, radishes, purple foot long green beans and dill. The perennials are Read more about #145…Pandemic Gardening[…]

#144…Date Night on the Fly…

. We are getting so many projects done during this pandemic. Came home from Lowe’s yesterday with our patio plants on a most perfect sunny NO WIND day..a rarity on this tornado hill! For once, I did not have to tie myself to a tree to plant my flowers. So we spent 7 hours in Read more about #144…Date Night on the Fly…[…]