#207…A Jolly Holly Time…Run, Holly, RUN!

I am not normal. I  do things differently then others. My New Year starts Tuesday after Labor Day. Listen, when you have 5 children, you live for that 1st day of school. Now I have grandchildren who have teenagers and I still celebrate New Year’s on Tuesday after Labor Day! FREEDOM! ! !  No one Read more about #207…A Jolly Holly Time…Run, Holly, RUN![…]

#206..There IS Beauty in Ashes

I was 20 years old when I attended my 1st funeral…grandfather in law, Joe Davault. People stood in line for 3 city blocks for the visitation. At 25, I buried my 3 month old son. At 32, I flew to LA to bury an uncle in law. I was 1 of 4 people at the Read more about #206..There IS Beauty in Ashes[…]

#204…Dog Days of an Extreme Summer

There has to be a word beyond extreme…Maybe grueling. There has been so much work outside unlike ever before. Day after day of 100+ heat index with enough rain to keep that grass growing and everything else non-stop growing, and then seriously growing. Most generally by the end of July the grass is parched and Read more about #204…Dog Days of an Extreme Summer[…]

#203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…

It is very simple to explain. It is ALL Shirley and Sue’s fault! What to do in July, when day after day is over 100 degrees heat index? All gardening has to be done betwixt 5:30 and 7:00 AM, followed by a shower. The Christmas music is playing, IT IS Christmas in July, people. There’s Read more about #203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…[…]

#202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me

If there’s something to find at a garage sale to paint, to repurpose, I, of course have to decor the garden plots too. Everything has a story, everything tells who I am, it is all me. My surroundings tell my story and the beautiful plants reveal how great God is. Even the rocks in my Read more about #202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me[…]

#201…The FACTS…change

Never in a million years have there been more then 4 people in a FAMILY picture of where I came from, ok there was one with 1 person extra, another time an extra 2, but I had to travel to Poland to get those pictures except the original 4 had become only 2 and so Read more about #201…The FACTS…change[…]

#198…Forgiving Others Births Spring Flowers, Jump Starts Life

Spring is my happy time. NEW beginnings, new growth, new hope that things will be different…better this year. And that always involves people and relationships. I learned long ago that the only person I can control is myself, and good luck with me as sometimes I can be out of control. It’s so sad, IT Read more about #198…Forgiving Others Births Spring Flowers, Jump Starts Life[…]

#197…What Signals is He Sending Here?

He couldn’t wait to show me what he so proudly bought FOR ME at Lowe’s! A gift just for me…and I was gonna start on a new book this week. It has occurred to me that Christmas is going to change for him. White sox and underwear, oh, and a tie. He has done family Read more about #197…What Signals is He Sending Here?[…]

#194…He Delights in Us When We Draw Near to Him

I am ecstatic. I prayed believing, because I have always prayed about everything since the day I lost my baby son and I cried out to the Lord. Not to say I don’t have my problems like everyone else, but I am never alone….Sometimes the Lord has to carry me in His arms. And there Read more about #194…He Delights in Us When We Draw Near to Him[…]

#191…-8 Degrees Outside, Rabbit Trailing

#1daughterconniesezthemagicwordsImissedmymamalet’sgoshopping! Having just returned from a road trip, it seemed the most logical thing for us to do. A few more days and I can paint some furniture in the garage, yes it has to be at least 50 degrees, so gathering ideas is good. Those decals fascinate me. I have to have visual ideas Read more about #191…-8 Degrees Outside, Rabbit Trailing[…]