#234…A New Year, Forgiveness…A Good Read, Click on APPLY!

Down the hatch with 2024! I shed a lot of tears last year. So many things went south. Every time we turned around. something with the house, MAJOR, had to be repaired. There were 3 1/2 months of disruption to getting the front room remodeled… more major breakdowns. Every piece of equipment overhauled! Sixteen tires Read more about #234…A New Year, Forgiveness…A Good Read, Click on APPLY![…]

#233..Geez It’s Been 7 Months, Toss the Jello

What a year it has been! Ever since I got bronchial pneumonia boarding the train for New York, October of 2023, we have had to deal with one thing after another. Seven months of 4 doses  of antibiotics and steroids finally got me on track again with that issue. Then Russ started coughing and coughing, Read more about #233..Geez It’s Been 7 Months, Toss the Jello[…]

#223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course!

I am my mother’s daughter. Every season 4 times a year she would rearrange the rooms. I have faithfully duplicated that all my life. And then when I was a teen, someone invented the 1st garage sale…yard sale, and I’ve been saling ever since! Now in the late autumn of my life, because of macular Read more about #223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course![…]

#217…The Button Lady

I went to a friend’s garage sale Friday and came home with several “treasures”! Hub side-kick immediately moved his “new” Christmas outdoor Santa Claus and another TALL plaque into his holiday warehouse. The thrill for him being 1st, there are some major repairs to be done, which he excels in…and 2nd, that when he “decors” Read more about #217…The Button Lady[…]

#226…21 Days Later Loss of 9 lbs! ! !

9 lbs may sound like a pittance, maybe a good office joke today, but consider that for 10 years, I have steadily eaten and drank my way to be the PLEASANTLY PLUMP person that I am. All the attempts to change have only added on more pounds. Then there’s that other man in my life, Read more about #226…21 Days Later Loss of 9 lbs! ! ![…]

#208…Mom…Remembering the Good

My Mom was a planner. She arrived in Schenectady NY as a new war bride after WWII. Looking around, she figured out if she was going to live nice she would have to get educated. She worked 3 jobs and enrolled in Western Reserve (now) University. With 2 years under her belt, she became a Read more about #208…Mom…Remembering the Good[…]

#186…Ten Years Later, Making Peace with Mother

Let go, let God. Bottom line, it’s the only thing that works in my life and I realize, FINALLY, I am the major problem here, as It takes me forever to figure things out. I possess a streak of “dumb”. I have Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome. Three things occurred in my life. As a silly Read more about #186…Ten Years Later, Making Peace with Mother[…]

#179…Painting of the Month Club

Garage sales and antique malls. I confess, I am an addict and very passionate about my calling.  This year I turned to art. Unfortunately there is limited wall space in my house, so I have had to recycle my paintings and pictures around the rooms. Then I found a tall metal easel  for $10 at Read more about #179…Painting of the Month Club[…]

#173…Treasure From The Rusty Chandelier Disruption Again………

  It happened again! #1daughterconnie and I went shopping at the fave, The Rusty Chandelier and there it was, the dancing picture. I had to have it. That’s me and Russ…..in my “skinny mind” but true when we were dating….not so long ago. Sixteen dollars. So I brought it home and slid it behind a Read more about #173…Treasure From The Rusty Chandelier Disruption Again………[…]

#160…A Letter to my Dog

Well, I don’t have to tip toe around anymore sneaking out to my flower plots to do some work UNNOTICED by you! I swear you slept with one ear up listening for ANYONE to throw your ball. Your life was about your toys. I don’t know if people could believe that you lay there for Read more about #160…A Letter to my Dog[…]