#107…30 Hour day, the Cherry Thief and OGGIE DOGGIE

T’was another one of them 30 hour days.  We were warned by Sarah Miller, our county clerk, to bring our books, magazines, quilting and major projects to do as we were to expect a SLOW day with maybe 7% of voters showing up.

Was she talking about Buchanan County with a showing of 6 % ? We worked NON-STOP in Andrew County with 24 % of the voters rallying to defeat a school levy ! ! ! !  Precincts ran low on ballots so headquarters came and took our extra package of 100 only to return later to replace and then we needed an extra 200! An amazing BUSY day, barely time to eat and rifle thru the magazines….

The scandal occurred mid morning. We’ve worked along side of Janice for years. Everyone knows her. The cousin in LAW of our highly regarded neighbor, Terry. Her Aunt in LAW across the gravel from us. Upstanding, well known citizens of St. Joe. now mired in EVERYONE whispering behind their backs…..Janice brought her snacks as we all did. The grapes were delicious and she offered them to one other lady. We were involved with cheese and crackers..and doughnuts. She put the rest of the FEW remaining grapes in the frig and returned to work. Later that afternoon one of the ladies asked who ate her cherries? What? Janice had brought grapes……and the FULL  bag was still there. It took the better part of two hours for the hysteria to die down. We would glance at Janice and she would have a complete red-faced massive out of control laughing breakdown. We may have to laundry marker our names on our snax next year for the EXTREME heavy voter presidential primaries and THE PRESIDENTIAL election, on second thought there will be NO time to steal other people’s food or to eat!

On a more pleasant note, after the thievery, Janna Wuest gifted all of us with copies of her new children’s book, DOG TAILS OF OGGIE DOGGIE, Illustrations by Amber Parker. What a breath of fresh air! A local talent amongst us.  It is a beautiful book!  If you are interested in her book please contact her through her email at Janna.wuest@yahoo.com

It is also available on Amazon! 😀

It is inspired by a true story!

And so, we 6 wrapped up another election and all is well. Janice was forgiven…..Russ read the whole book…Jan and Donna and I did most the work while Janice promoted hot cherries and Janna was looking for the lost dog.


#81……When hell Freezes Over and Hairlips Every Cat in the County….